Conferences, activities
we attended
Business to Business gathering, 28.10.2024, Alba Iulia

On 28.10.2024, at the invitation of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Alba Iulia, we participated in the Business to Business meeting, which brought together representatives of companies from our city from various fields and the delegation of 25 businessmen from the Province Duhok, Kurdistan (Iraq Republic).
The 3rd Carl R. Loper Conference on Processing of Metallic Materials through Casting and Solidification, 20-25 Septembrie 2024, Brașov

Between 20-25 September 2024 SATURN S.A. attended, as a partner and through its representatives, an international event held in Brasov - The 3rd Carl R. Loper Conference on Processing of Metallic Materials through Casting and Solidification.
The event was organized by: Transilvania University of Brasov, Professor Doru M. Stefanescu, International Journal of Metalcasting and Romanian Foundry Technical Association.
Conference’s Partners: Hüttenes-Albertus, Weiler, Lixland, Heraeus Electro-Nite, Olteanu-Ignatovici, As Metal, Kaolin, Selca and SATURN S.A.
The 19th National Foundry Conference with international participation held in Alba Iulia between 18th and 20th of September 2007

SATURN S.A. Alba Iulia participated to foundries specific events, including the 19th National Foundry Conference with international participation held in Alba Iulia between September 18-20, 2007.
GIFA 2007 - Hannover

Another important event SATURN attended was GIFA 2007 - International Trade Fair, in Hannover.